Sunday, May 10, 2009

First Bath

Penny's cord hasn't fallen off yet so she has to get sponge baths. I don't think she appreciated the ambiance of the Frog theme for her first bath. Warning: When babies don't have diapers on, they will go to the bathroom.
Not too angry yet, but we haven't even started.

Bathing babies isn't as easy as one would think. Lots of movement and anger.

After all that, Mom still loves her. (Nice Butt)

Even with the Frog towel-hoodie on she is still upset. Women are so hard to please.

Friday, May 8, 2009

1st Dr's Visit and Lot of Sleeping

On our way to the first Dr's visit. She loves the car seat and the Diaper Dude.
Already posing.

I wish they made one of these in my size. I would never leave the house.

Not too fond of the scale. Or the Doctor's office in general. She lost a little weight since birth but has been eating so much she will probably gain it back by tomorrow.

Getting ready to go to the Doctor.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

First walk in the Community

Any similarities?
I swear I wasn't sleeping. I was checking to see if she was listening. We were having a conversation about how evil boys are and how dating is no fun.
The car seat is NASCAR apporved. Safety fisrt.

We didn't go too far, but Megan was excited to be out moving around instead of stuck in a hospital room.

Steering with one hand. She's already a pro!

She's alive, I promise.

Cinco de Mayo - Coming Home

The two prettiest ladies I know.
Hank and DJ are adjusting well. DJ really doesn't care that she is here. Hank on the other hand goes everywhere she goes and watches everything she does. He gets very excited when she cries. He hasn't quite figured it all out yet. He barked at her this morning while she was sleeping. We're not sure why. It was the same bark he uses when he tries to get DJ to play. I think he'll be fine though.

First time in the car seat. The seat used to look so small untill she got in it.

Sleeping in her swing. She really likes the swing.

In the wheel chair on the way out. It was fun while it lasted but we were thrilled about being able to go home and sleep in our own bed.

May 4th

Burrito Baby! She loves being wrapped up.
She slept like this for about 10 mins. My favorite picture so far.

Might look a little too much like her father. I hope she grows out of it and looks more like her mother as she gets older.

She really is this cute in real life.

Still can't believe it. It's hard to put her down.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Penny's Arrival

Mom and P already connected.
Mom, Sister, Mom and Baby.

Mom and Baby' first meeting.

7 pounds 15.2 ounces, 21 Inches Long. Dad had the closest guess at the weight in the delivery room! (And I think she got my legs!)
This was right after we were admitted when things were still calm. Megan did a great job!